Yesterday's Owl Post contained a letter from Hagrid to all the children here. In it he asks the children to choose which animal they would like as a pet and tell him why. He wants them to tell him how they would take care of it as well. When they return the letters, he will consider their request and ask Professor Dumbledore if and when he can send them along.
They can choose from an owl, a cat, a turtle, a toad or a rat.
Thing #1 chose an owl.
Thing #2 chose an owl.
Thing #3 also chose an owl.
Thing #4 chose a cat.
Now where in the world are we going to find THREE owls!???!!
Hopefully Hallmark isn't sold out of their graduation owls.
Writing as Hagrid is a special challenge. That particular accent and tone is hard to come across on paper. I pretty much dropped all "H"'s, made you into yer or yeh, me into meh and dropped some letter from words.
Here's the text from Hagrid's first note:
Dear Frinds,
"Owdy! Hagrid 'ere. Professor McGonagall tells me that yer new students 'ere at Hogwarts.
I'm the caretaker 'ere and also git to take care 'o the animals.
Did yeh know that each student 'ere at Hogwarts gits to pick their own pet animal to take care 'o?
So write meh a lit'le note and let meh know what kind 'o animal yeh mite want. Yeh can pick from a frog, a turtle, an owl or a cat. Tell meh why yeh mite want that there particular animal and how yeh would take care 'o it.
Send meh yer note from the Owl Post and when I git to readin' it and decide, I'll send one along to yeh.
Yer Frind,
There were quite a few Owl beanie babies back in the day (don't ask me how I know this...) but you can find them for cheap on ebay. It might be worth it to look.